Sercon Consumables

Sercon supply consumables of the highest quality for all isotope ratio monitoring mass spectrometers and elemental analysers. Our unique approach of providing the highest possible quality at the most competitive prices means that now all users can benefit from our products. All consumables supplied are of the Sercon brand. The Sercon brand is a guarantee of product quality. Sercon branding means that the products have passed our rigorous quality assurance tests and are of the highest quality available for isotopic and elemental analysis. We constantly monitor the analytical performance of our consumables on our range of IRMS instruments for on-going quality assessment and to ensure all consumables are isotope grade material. We offer a comprehensive product range with more than 2000 products covering a range of elemental analysers and mass spectrometer instruments. Our product range includes capsules, glassware, reagents, catalysts, standards, crucibles, O-rings and seals and much more.

Αναλώσιμα Στοιχειακής Ανάλυσης, Φασματομετρίας Ισοτοπικού Λόγου, κ.α.

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