

Amid increasing calls for improved work efficiency and a more flexible working style, ideas of LC analysis are changing. The time has come for an HPLC that delivers rugged, reliable results with less frequent interaction by the analyst. The new, integrated i-Series LC system maintains the excellent performance of its predecessor while addressing the need for automation efficiency.

i-Series LC lineup consists of:

HPLC model: LC-2050 series (pressure resistance 50 MPa) with three types of detector setup (UV, PDA, detector-less) being available to suit your analysis methods and aims. In addition, Shimadzu provides models both with oven cooling functions (C model) and without.

UHPLC model: LC-2060 series (pressure resistance 70 MPa), Shimadzu’s 70 MPa UHPLC model. The method transfer system provides excellent support for running UHPLC and HPLC methods on one device.

For further information about the models and their features, visit Shimadzu’s Europe Website.

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