Tm Analysis System

Spectrophotometric DNA / RNA Analysis System

Tm Analysis System for Nucleic Acid Stability and Sequence Analysis

The Tm analysis system is a powerful tool designed to accelerate the development and improve the quality of oligonucleotide therapeutics. It provides precise and efficient analysis of the thermal stability of nucleic acids, playing a crucial role in the study of melting temperature (Tm) for double-stranded DNA and RNA.

System Components

  • UV-Vis Spectrophotometer: Measures the absorbance changes as nucleic acids undergo thermal denaturation.
  • TMSPCTM-8i 8-cell Thermoelectrically Controlled Cell Holder: Ensures precise temperature control across multiple samples simultaneously.
  • LabSolutions UV-Vis Tm Software: This software enables easy control of the system, allowing compliance with regulatory requirements and streamlining the analysis process.

How Tm Analysis Works

Tm analysis involves heating double-stranded nucleic acids and monitoring the absorbance change as the temperature increases. This change, known as the melting curve, reflects the dissociation of the double strands into single strands. The melting temperature (Tm) is the point at which the proportion of single-stranded nucleic acids equals the double-stranded form, providing valuable information about the stability and sequence of the nucleic acid sample.

By using LabSolutions Tm software, users can efficiently analyze the thermal stability of nucleic acids while meeting ER/ES-related regulatory requirements. This system significantly enhances the efficiency and quality of nucleic acid analysis, particularly in the development of oligonucleotide-based therapeutics.

For further information about its features, visit Shimadzu official website.

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