Triple Quadrupole Liquid Chromatograph – Mass Spectrometer

The LCMS-8060NX is a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer with world-class sensitivity and detection speeds. It boasts increased robustness and ease of use as well as Analytical Intelligence to maximize your laboratory’s output.


LCMS-8060NX IonFocus™ unit

A newly-developed ESI probe with focus electrodes introduces ions into the mass spectrometer more efficiently, while expelling contaminants to reduce noise and provide more stable data. In addition, an improved heat-assist design promotes the ionization of a wide range of compounds. (Patented technology.)

Easy maintenance interface

The LCMS-8060NX inherits all the ease-of-maintenance of its predecessors. Both the desolvation line (DL), which introduces the sample into the vacuum, and the ESI capillary can be replaced easily and in a short time. The DL can be replaced while maintaining the vacuum, minimizing downtime.

Shimadzu LCMS-8060NX ESI and DL replace

For further information about its features, visit Shimadzu Europe website.

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