
Auger Microprobe

The JEOL JAMP-9510F Field Emission Auger Microprobe is a state-of-the-art instrument designed for high-sensitivity and high-resolution surface analysis at the nano to micro scale. Equipped with advanced technologies, it enables precise chemical bonding state analysis and compositional mapping, making it indispensable for researchers and engineers in materials science, nanotechnology, and related fields.​

Key Features:

  • High-Sensitivity, High-Resolution Analyzer: The JAMP-9510F employs a hemispherical analyzer with variable energy resolution, facilitating detailed chemical bonding state analysis in high-resolution mode and rapid mapping in high-sensitivity mode.
  • Schottky Field Emission Electron Gun: Incorporating JEOL’s proprietary electron optics technology, the Schottky field emission electron gun achieves a spatial resolution of 3 nm for imaging and delivers a stable probe current up to 200 nA, essential for high-throughput chemical analyses.
  • Eucentric Specimen Stage: The highly precise eucentric specimen stage allows for accurate height center reproducibility and supports tilting up to 90°, enabling analysis of insulating materials previously considered challenging. ​
  • Durability: Designed with longevity in mind, the JAMP-9510F reduces running costs associated with replacing the ion gun filament and electron gun emitter, ensuring sustained performance over extended periods.
  • Advanced Software: The system’s software features a waveform separation function for deconvoluting overlapping Auger peaks and a map restructuring tool that allows post-measurement adjustments and temporal tracking during integration, enhancing data analysis capabilities.


  • Electron Illumination System:
    • SEI Resolution: 3 nm (at 25 kV, 10 pA)​
    • Probe Diameter for Auger Analysis: 8 nm (at 25 kV, 1 nA)​
    • Electron Gun: Schottky field emission gun​
    • Accelerating Voltage: 0.5 to 30 kV​
    • Probe Current: 10⁻¹¹ to 2×10⁻⁷ A​
    • Magnification: ×25 to 500,000​
  • Auger Analysis System:
    • Analyzer: Electrostatic hemispherical analyzer (HSA)​
    • Energy Resolution (ΔE/E): 0.05 to 0.6%​
    • Sensitivity: 840,000 cps/7 ch or more (at 10 kV, 10 nA, Cu-LMN, 0.6% resolution, 60° tilt)​
    • Detection System: Multi-channel detection​
  • Ion Gun:
    • Ion Energy: 0.01 to 4 keV​
    • Ion Current (Absorbed Current): 2 μA or more at 3,000 eV, 0.03 μA or more at 10 eV​
    • Neutralization Function: Built-in​
  • Specimen Stage:
    • Specimen Movement: X: ±10 mm, Y: ±10 mm, Z: ±6 mm; Tilt (T): 0 to 90°; Rotation (R): 360° (endless)​
    • Specimen Size: Up to 20 mm in diameter (5 mm thick)​
  • Ultra-High Vacuum (UHV) Evacuation System:
    • Ultimate Pressure in Specimen Chamber: 5×10⁻⁸ Pa or less​
    • Baking Out: Built-in heater with automatic baking out​


The JAMP-9510F offers additional ports to accommodate various attachments, supporting a wide range of analyses. Optional accessories include:​

  • Specimen Parking Unit​
  • Specimen Cooling and Fracturing Device​
  • Backscattered Electron Detector​
  • Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer (EDS)​
  • Transfer Vessel​

In summary, the JEOL JAMP-9510F Field Emission Auger Microprobe stands as a premier instrument for detailed surface analysis, combining high-resolution imaging with advanced analytical capabilities. Its robust design, coupled with versatile expandability options, makes it a valuable asset for laboratories aiming to conduct precise and comprehensive material characterizations.​

For more detailed information about the JAMP-9510F and its applications, please visit the official JEOL website.

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